Become a member!

Person is considered to be a member of Lithuanian Trade Union “Sandrauga” if he/she has submitted a request to join the organization and pays the monthly membership fee.


Benefits of being a member of Lithuanian Trade Union “Sandrauga”:

  1. Member has the right to free consultations concerning labour, civil, administrative law;
  1. Member has the right to free legal representation in Labour Dispute Commissions and in labour cases in courts;
  1. Member of the Lithuanian Trade Union “Sandrauga“ electoral body has the right to participate in trade union events during their working hours, in accordance with the law, at an average salary;
  1. Member has the right to participate in evaluation, competition, labor dispute, health and safety commissions;
  1. Member has the right to get material aid according to article 30.7 of Lithuanian Trade Union „Sandrauga“ statute.

Lithuanian trade union “Sandrauga“ is the only Lithuanian trade union that can provide TWO types of its membership: